Since its inception in 1996 Evangelical Episcopal University and Theological Seminary has been endorsed by the Province of St. Peter as a institution providing education for those preparing for ministry. In addition, Evangelical Episcopal University and Theological Seminary is fully-endorsed and sanctioned by the Commission of Higher Education of the Evangelical Episcopal Communion. This is not to be confused with secular regional, national, or state accreditation. Religious educational institutions are not required to have secular accreditation because they offer no secular degrees. EEUTS exists primarily for those desiring religious vocations and to equip students for ministry within the Church of Jesus Christ.
Holy Scripture and writings of the early Church Fathers reveal that the Bishops of the Ancient Church educated and trained candidates for ministry based on Christ’s model of discipleship and mentoring. Eventually, Bishop Schools arose where theologians and scholars, under the oversight of the Bishops, provided training and tutoring of students preparing for ministry in the church. Central to this style of instruction was the spiritual formation of the candidates and teaching of the historical theology of the church. EEUTS practices education and spiritual formation within this historic tradition.
Secular accreditation is not necessary for the theological degrees which we offer. However, students seeking military chaplaincy will need an ATS accredited degree and those seeking employment in government-licensed positions will need a USDE accredited degree. Students should check requirements prior to enrollment in EEUTS.